The Inner-City Education Program provides academic scholarships for Chicago area students first grade and up seeking to receive a tuition-based education. To be eligible for an academic scholarship, the student must…

  • be actively playing ice hockey (in our program or an external program)
  • demonstrate financial need
  • maintain a 3.0 grade point average (on the standard 4.0 scale)
  • possess a satisfactory disciplinary record
  • demonstrate a strong personal character
  • work or perform community service for a minimum of forty (40) hours during the summer prior to each and every scholarship year

Parents or guardians are responsible for verifying scholarship recipient performance and authorizing the release of relevant academic and behavioral records to the ICE Program Scholarship Committee.

Download Scholarship Application

“Words cannot express how truly thankful we are for all that you have done for our son. We never imagined that anything as amazing as the trip to Canada would ever happen.” – Lisa W.

— Lisa Walsh, Parent of Recipient

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