Blog / Impact Stories
Letter from Dimas Parents
The ICE Program received this amazing message from parents of a child in our program… “I would like to take this time to thank you and the ICE Board of Directors for what you have done for our son Christian Dimas. No words can express the gratitude we feel as parents to have had our …
Scholarship Recipient Brian
The ICE Program received this wonderful message from Brian, a scholarship recipient… “Without the ICE Scholarship I would have had to go to my local public school and I wouldn’t have received as good of an education as the one I am receiving from Nazareth Academy. Because of ICE my family and I have been …
Scholarship Recipient Mark
I am very grateful for the ICE Scholarship. It has given me the opportunity to play hockey while attending Guerin College Prep High School. I graduated high school in May 2011 with a great education and I am now attending Western Illinois University. I am looking forward to my future and I am excited about …
Letter from Principal Mary Mycek
June 16, 2016 Dear Board of Directors, I am writing this letter on behalf of District 99 as an expression of gratitude for the ICE Program. This past school year Cicero Public Schools had 40 students participate in the hockey and tutoring program. The outcomes of this program are immeasurable. On the ice our students …
Scholarship Recipient Michael
Receiving the ICE Scholarship has allowed me to go to Guerin College Prep High School. Going to this school has helped me become a better person and is preparing me in my education to follow my dreams of attending a major college and playing in the USHL while getting a great education. I am very …
Scholarship Recipient Spencer
I participate in a variety of sports. I’ve been on a basketball team for five years and play second base on my baseball team. But ice hockey is my true passion – a passion that started when I began playing right wing three years ago. Being introduced to Brad Erickson and learning about the ICE …
Letter from Walsh Parents
Coach Brad, Words cannot express how truly thankful we are for all that you have done for [our son]. We are so appreciative of everything that everyone within your organization has done. He has such a passion for hockey and just getting to play was a dream come true for him. We never imagined that …
Meet Volunteer Mark Weir

Why you became involved with the ICE Program? I heard about the ICE Program through board members Allan Santizo and Sean Campbell who are my teammates on my men’s league hockey team at Johnny’s Ice House. After hearing more about what ICE does for the kids in the program I wanted to be more involved …